A. Ask yourself by Starting with WHY:
1. Why do you want to speak better? What is your purpose behind acquiring this skill?
2. How will your life improve if you could build better your communication skills?
3. How will better public speaking skills improve the quality of your relationships?
4. How will it improve your financial income?
5. Who will you become if you could learn this skill?
6. What opportunities do you see in front of you if you learnt to speak well in public?
7. How can you impact the world if you learn this new skill?
B. Create a list called "The Blame List"
In detail, list down all the people, eventsa and circumstances in your life that you blame to be the reason you are lacking in your life!
Once you have this list ready, find out how many times you have chosen to see yourself as the solution to the problem instead of looking for validation outside of yourself?
Once you have identified how you can find the answers to your questions within yourself, Then tear that list and make a new one where you take accountability for your own actions and you create an action plan for your own success.
C. 4 factors that enable you to find your voice
1. Sincerity - The ability to be 100% honest with yourself.
Look at yourself in the mirror and search deep within to find out who you truly are.
That includes,
a) identifying the barriers you have set up in your mind that is blocking your own growth
b) Understanding your own power
c) Choosing to love yourself and accept your own mistakes
d) Define your self worth and don't allow yourself or others to belittle you ever again.
2. Vocabulary - Start the habit of collecting one new word a day and learn to use it correctly. In the course of one year, you will equip your mind with 365 new words! The words you speak have the power to heal or the power to kill. Choose wisely.
3. Gravity - Choose how your emotions will affect the words you say in your daily life.
Some words have less power than the others and some have more firepower. Choose the intensity of your tone, the power in your voice and the strength of your words when you communicate with yourself, with another person or in a group.
4. Silence - Listen Twice and Speak Once.
D. Invest time into learning the skills required to better yourself.
1. Table manners and etiquette
2. Remove bad words from your vocabulary and replace them with good words
3. Read the books that will renew your mind and enable you to see the world clearly
4. Invest in a full length mirror (How you see yourself is extremely important)
5. Don't believe in talent, have faith in daily discipline.
6. Learn how to conduct a meeting, you will be in high demand wherever you are in the world if you can moderate meetings effectively.
Closing notes:
1. Choose your life's mission wisely. Your purpose in life will take you further than your eyes can see.
2. Create a personal philosophy and embody it.
3. Only do what you love, and love what you do.
1. Join a toastmasters club near you
2. Create a 2 minute video of you talking about any topic that you love and share it with the organiser of your class.
3. Make a list of Affirmations as shown below and recite it first thing in the morning and before going to sleep.