"Today @St george
I conducted session with class 8 students
I told them about politics
What is the qualification , age , criteria for a voter and for a person to stand in election . Also told them about the methods of voting and how the President is elected . They had no idea until I told them and all were shocked to hear , when I asked them about the reviews on governments work done they said they don't do anything , they only eat money and stuff but then I explained them that the projects which are taken up now is for the future and it will help make a new ok India, told them to make their family member to vote every election as every vote counts. Then I told them about the modes of digital payments and advantages of using this , also told them to contact me if they want to know more about the method and want to start in there shops. Told them about the adhar card and advantages of it to. Then I played a game where I made everyone write there name in a piece of paper and then randomly gave everyone each paper and told them to write 2 good points about them , my motive was to build unity among them by doing this ,but then I noticed that they lack making sentences also and spelling errors ,so I spoke to the principal there and he told us to take English class also on weekends .
Today's session was the best I have conducted as everyone was got something new to learn and they took in also.
Thank you"