"The activity name is Basic Sciences task. I took permission from Headmistress prior to going to school on the day to conduct this project with class 9 students both English and Telugu medium. I explained the project and she gave nod for proceeding with the activity and assigned 2 teachers to assist me in handling the students. The main theme of the project is that the students have to rank a certain items in order of their importance to survive in a desert when their plane crashes . Students used their knowledge in physical sciences and biological sciences working individually and in group. They were very happy to find their performance individually and in a group. Teachers appreciated the content of the project and gave feedback that it was lot better than national science fare competition. Students also understood how much rusty their brains are following the regular curriculum of the secondary education. I too was ecstatic with the response from the students and gained motivation to search for such intellectual projects. The links for photos of students are:
The link for student list is