"25th June, 2016 marked my
first association with Adore India. The first of its event that I attended and
helped conduct along with Megha, another volunteer, was in Right Track Activity
Centre, near Chinar Park, Rajarhat, Kolkata.
The session began from 12:00
noon. The participants included at least ten students in the age group of
6-10 years. Their enthusiasm to see two young girls playing games with them
was refreshing.
We started by playing a game
with balloons. The children helped each other to blow their balloons and then
they had to protect their own balloons from being burst by the other students.
The one who could protect their balloon till the end was declared a winner.
This was followed by a game of spelling exercise where the students were asked
to spell different words, the difficulty level of each was decided based on
their age.
The third programme of the
activity class was something they were eagerly waiting for, since the beginning
of the session: origami. Today's origami lesson was the national flower of the
country- the lotus. They had their square shaped papers ready and they followed
Megha's instructions of folding the paper sincerely. The remarkable part of
this exercise was the helpfulness of the children. The older kids diligently
helped the younger kids with folding the paper and perfecting their paper
lotuses. Once the paper flowers were made, they were rather excited by their
own creation. They wanted to spend more time to have fun doing other creative
activities, but it was past 1:00 p.m. and time to go home. They left
disappointed that activity was over but with a glowing hope that the fun would
return next Saturday."