Kristi, Adrija and I conducted our first session of Sunshine Project at Chetla, located near the Rashbehari Gurudwara. We reached there by 3:30 pm but the park where we were supposed to teach was yet to open at 4 pm. So meanwhile, we started interacting with the children and women present to have an idea of how many people would join us for the session that day. We got to know that most women work in households nearby and about their daily activities. The children, on the other hand, were engaged in a matching game of cards that had different animals pictured. So we initiated our conversation by asking them amicably if they could identify the animals and colours, to our utter surprise they were well aware of them, we also got to know that they attend school every day from 11 am to 3 pm. By this, were able to make them feel comfortable enough to invite them for the session. We did have to persuade for some time but we finally succeeded to welcome them into the park, post 4 pm. Once we did, we continued our session and were able to gather five children who were aged around 2-7 years. We asked them to count the number of cards and helped them learn subtraction with the help of the cards itself.