Communication is an important life-skill that is often neglected. The class in Ultadanga began with the purpose of helping the children learn about different modes of communication, especially using visual arts. Initially, I spoke to them about environmental issues, what does environment mean, and the importance of 5th June. Later, I interacted with them individually asking them if they knew about the different kinds of pollution. While many of them were aware of air and water pollution, I introduced them to the concept of noise pollution. Finally, I taught them how to make a poster and to title it appropriately. This is one of the many ways in which we communicate the importance of preserving the planet. I think communicating visually is very effective. I plan to distribute crossword puzzles, printed on sheets to educate them further about environmental problems that we face today.
Megha, who was coordinating the session conducted a quiz session on Indian history and geography. There were around 10 children for the session; they were enthusiastic and eager to learn.