Today, Puja and Dipmal firstly took our regular sessions in Jyotirmoy Vidya Mandir. We had 2 sessions.
First with children of grade 4, 5 and 6.
We did public speaking with them which falls under 2 categories of the activity list, namely Overcoming fears and Spoken English.
Objective- 1. Public speaking helps you come out of your stage fright.
2. It helps in confidence building and let's you have command over language.
3. It also helps you have proper eye contact and body posture while conveying your topic.
4. It also helps in command over language and proper thoughts channeling.
How we did it?:- 1. We divided the entire class into 6 groups.
2. Gave each group a topic that they have to come up individually with a speech of 1 minute, i.e., min. 120 words or 180 words.
3. No paper to be used. (This would help in memory, addition to helping in command over language and speech).
The session actually went fruitful, they made a lot of valid and solid points. Like one girl on "development of India" came up with an ancient viewpoint by stating in proper language and modulation on how women were actually treated in old times, the sati issues and a lot more problems, but today, we may not be that progressive, but woman do have better faith then previously, not all, but woman still do.
That was actually a very nice way putting it. Because she also said, that we do have a long way to grow, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't appreciate what we already have.